Our School Day.
Our school day starts at 8.55am and school finishes at 3.30pm.
Everyone is welcome at Breakfast Club from 8:30am every morning, where a large array of scrumptious delights are available for a small donation.
Children are welcomed into school from 8:45am and we have found this to have a positive effect on settling the children prior to the start of the school day.
We expect pupils to arrive and to be collected punctually at the start and end of each day.
Our school day starts at 8:55am and pupils should be in their classroom by this time. Our registers are marked by 9:05am and pupils will receive a late mark if they are not in their classroom by this time.
All children arriving after 9:05am and up to 9.30am must report to the school office.
They will receive an ‘L’ attendance marking meaning they have arrived late but have arrived before
the register has closed. If your child arrives after 9.30am, they will receive a ‘U’ attendance marking which means they have arrived late after the register has closed. A 'U' attendance marking will impact on your child's attendance.
After lunch, registers are marked at 1:05pm and the register closes at 1:15pm. Pupils will receive a mark of absence if they are not present when the register is taken.
Morning Playtimes.
Children have a break time at 10:45am until 11:00am.
If they wish to bring a fruit snack along for playtime then they may, however, no sweets, biscuits or crisps are allowed.
Children eat their lunch in two sittings which alternate each week, children in Year 3 and 5 eat together and children in Year 4 and 6 eat together. The school has 'Family Dining' where the children are encouraged to eat their meal as a family would at home. We host many Family To Lunch Days throughout the year to allow families to sample our delicious home-cooked meals.
Family Dining: What the children say... |
I enjoy serving with friends. |
I like the puddings! |
I love the whole of lunchtime |
I love the food we eat. |
I love talking to my friends |
I enjoy serving the food |
At the end of the school day, children will be released from their classroom door by their class teacher when the appropriate adult is seen. Please make sure your child’s teacher is informed if there is a change to usual collection routines.
Children in Year 3 and Year 4 will only be released to an adult.
Year 5 and Year 6 children are allowed to walk home on their own providing parental consent is given to the class teacher prior to this.
If you wish to speak to your child's class teacher, then please walk round to main school office where an appointment to see them can be made. Most of the time, this can be straight away so you will be signed in and given a vistor's badge. Please do not try to enter school through the classroom fire exits as, due to safeguarding and fire procedures, we require all adults who visit school to be signed in and escorted around the building.
Getting to School
To get to and from school, walking is definitely the best and healthiest option. There are lots of benefits: it’s healthier than travelling by car, it improves the safety of pedestrians and road-users, and it respects nearby residents and parking regulations. If you do need to travel by car, please park wisely and think about the local residents and access.
Collective Worship
Everyday we meet as a school to come together to worship collectively linked to our school's collective worship theme. On a Tuesday, we do this in classes.
On a Friday, we celebrate our many successes throughout the week. During this time, parents our invited into school to hear why their child has been chosen as Star of the Week!
Our Collective Worship