Horsehead Lane, Derbyshire, S44 6XH.
01246 822324

YHA Boggle Hole, Whitby


All Year 4 children are offered the opportunity to spend two nights at YHA Boggle Hole in Whitby. The residential offers the children time at the beach completing a variety of activities. This includes fossil hunting, smugglers' trails and rock pooling activities.


The hostel provides enjoyable and enriching activities within a safe environment where the children stay in dormitories with bunk beds. 

 To find out more please visit their website at:




2017 Visit Dates:

Monday 3rd April till Wednesday 5th April.

The trip is now fully booked, and the final payment date is Friday 10th March. 

Horsehead Lane, Derbyshire, S44 6XH.
01246 822324

YHA Boggle Hole, Whitby


All Year 4 children are offered the opportunity to spend two nights at YHA Boggle Hole in Whitby. The residential offers the children time at the beach completing a variety of activities. This includes fossil hunting, smugglers' trails and rock pooling activities.


The hostel provides enjoyable and enriching activities within a safe environment where the children stay in dormitories with bunk beds. 

 To find out more please visit their website at:




2017 Visit Dates:

Monday 3rd April till Wednesday 5th April.

The trip is now fully booked, and the final payment date is Friday 10th March. 
