Horsehead Lane, Derbyshire, S44 6XH.
01246 822324


Telephone 0800 1111 

Information and advice.


Childline are available for you, whatever is on your mind. They will support you, guide you and help you make decisions that are right for you.

Childline offer tips and techniques, ideas and inspiration, can help you feel more in control. You can access them in your own time, at your own pace! 

Childline is yours – a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything.

Childline is here to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through.

You can talk about anything. Whether it’s something big or small, our trained counsellors are here to support you.



'For Me' is the iOS app that puts Childline in your pocket. It's free, it's secure and it's designed by young people for young people.

Year 5/6 Childline Programme

Our Year 5 & 6 children will have the chance to work with Childline in November on a programme available to every child in the UK in Years 5/6 (in England & Wales).


Childline hold a Collective Worship in our school before running a class-based workshop a few weeks later about keeping safe in today's world.


The Childline Schools Service aims to give children:

  • An understanding of abuse in all its forms including bullying, and an ability to recognise the signs of abuse.
  • Knowledge of how to protect themselves from all forms of abuse.
  • An awareness of how to get help and sources of help, including Childline.


More information about the organisation can be found by clicking on their logo below. 


