Horsehead Lane, Derbyshire, S44 6XH.
01246 822324




Whilst at home, it is still important that children continue to practice their handwriting daily. All children should write everyday, even if they are at home. Therefore, class teachers will set daily handwriting challenges for your children to complete at home - or activities to complete using Letter Join. 


Here at Bolsover, we aim to do all we can to support our families to ensure that the handwriting techniques and skill are still applied at home by the children. 


Daily handwriting challenges are shared every morning, via Class Dojo or Letterjoin, and once the challenges are completed, we kindly ask they are uploaded to your children's portfolio.


Our school's handwriting policy and guidance can be found here: 

Handwriting Policy

Handwriting Guidance for Parents/Carers



Home Guides



Letter-join Parent Guide



 Letter-join How to Log in at Home video



Letter-join can be accessed on the following website:

Watch the video below to see how to log in from home:



Click here to log in to Letter-join


The login for Letter-join can be found here:


Please find below some top tips to follow when handwriting at home:


Please find below a video explaining how to form each of the letters using a cursive style: