Horsehead Lane, Derbyshire, S44 6XH.
01246 822324

Statutory Key Information & Policies

The following documents are required to be available on all school websites.

Here we provide easy access to those documents. If you require anymore information regarding any of this, or wish to receive a paper copy of the information, please speak to the school office who will be happy to help.

  Key School Documents and Policies Other Useful Documents

Key School Documents

Latest Attainment & Progress

School End of KS2 Results Summary 2023


Link to our school's performance table on the DfE website


Here is a link to the school and colleges performance table search tool to enable the comparison of schools. 



Equality Information and Objectives Statement and Policy


Pupil Premium Statement 2023-24 (including a review of 2022-23)

For further information about the pupil premium funding, please click here.

Pupil Premium Policy

P.E & Sport Premium Funding Plan

For further information about the sport premium funding, please click here.

 SEND Information


School SEND Offer


DIASS link


Accessibility Policy & Plan


For further information about SEND and Inclusion, please click here.

   Reading at Bolsover


Key School Policies


Anti-Bullying Policy


Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 


Child-on-Child Abuse Policy


Looked After Children Policy


Behaviour Policy


Online Safety Policy


Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) Policy


Relationships & Sex Education Policy

 Administering Medicine Policy 


British Values Policy


Keeping Children Safe in Education 


Working Together To Safeguard Children


Bolsover's Safeguarding Leaflet


Intimate Care Policy


Bodily Fluid Cleaning Policy


Private Fostering Policy


PSHE (including Relationships & Sex Education) Policy


Separated Parents Policy


Nurture Policy

 Complaints Procedure Policy


Child-Friendly Complaints Policy


Admissions Policy 2024


 For further information about our admissions, please click here.


Charging & Remissions Policy 


Confidential Reporting Code (Whistleblowing Policy)


DDAT Data Protection Policy


Staff Code of Conduct


Exclusion Policy


Health & Safety Policy


Pupils with Additional Needs Attendance Policy


Recruitment and Selection Policy

 Attendance Policy

For further information about Attendance, please click here.  

Freedom of Information Policy


Ofsted Documents

Our School's Ofsted Inspection - 5 and 6th April 2022

Please share your views on Bolsover Church of England Junior School on our Parent View page.

 SIAMs Report

(Statutory Inspection of Anglican & Methodist Schools)

SIAMs Inspection Report - June 2017