Horsehead Lane, Derbyshire, S44 6XH.
01246 822324

PE and Sport Premium Funding

Playing sport helps to keep people healthy and is good for communities. Playing sport at school or in a local club is also the first step to competition at the highest level, which helps improve our reputation as a sporting nation, and contributes to economic growth.


But when people leave school they often stop playing sports, which means people can’t fulfil their sporting potential, and can lead to a less healthy lifestyle. We want to get more people playing sport safely from a young age, and help them keep playing sport throughout their life, no matter what their economic or social background.


Primary School’s Sports Funding

What is the Sports Premium?

The Government is providing funding of £150 million per annum over the 3 academic years 2013 to 2014, 2014 to 2015 and 2015 to 2016 to provide new, substantial primary school sport funding. This funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money directly allocated to primary school Head Teachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children.

The sport funding can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools.

Further information about the funding can be found here: PE and sport premium for primary schools - GOV.UK (



OFSTED will play a significant role in ensuring that schools target this funding in areas which will lead to clear outcomes in raising standards and opportunities in PE and school sport for all children throughout the Primary Phase.  All schools will receive a lump sum of £8,000 plus a premium of £5 per pupil.


Purpose of Funding

Schools will have to spend the funding on improving their provision of PE and school sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.

Possible uses for the funding could include:

    • hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work alongside primary teachers when teaching PE lessons
    • new or additional sports based clubs (to support and involve the least active children by running after-school sports clubs and holiday clubs, e.g. the Change4Life clubs)
    • paying for professional development opportunities in PE/sport
    • provide resources and training courses in PE and sport for teachers
    • run sport competitions or increase pupils’ participation in the sports tournaments (such as the School Games)
    • run sports activities with other schools
    • buying quality assured professional development modules or materials for PE/sport  


How will Bolsover Church of England Junior school be using the PE and Sport funding and who will benefit?

You can find details of the funding for each school in the PE and sport premium: conditions of grants 2023-2024 here.

We believe in a holistic approach to the development of sport and physical activity for all and encourage collaboration and partnership working to make the best use of resources and enhance PE and sport provision in order to raise participation and achievement for all pupils.

We are currently undertaking a PE and School Sport audit and developing our Sports Premium plan to raise standards and participation levels in PE throughout the school. Once the audit is complete we will finalise our plans. Our rationale for the use of Sports Premium funding, which the Governors have agreed, are that it must be used so that:

• all children benefit regardless of sporting ability
• the most able children are given the opportunity to compete in tournaments with other schools
• staff have access to training opportunities and continued professional development
• some activities may be subsidised so that pupils do not miss out due to financial constraints e.g. swimming
• we make use of collaborative and partnership working


With the above rationale in mind, and following the guidelines for how to spend this money, our initial plans for the use of the Sports Premium funding include:


1. Developing the health and wellbeing of pupils

We will continue to offer a range of sporting activities in school during the school day and after-school. Some of our sport premium allowance will be used to fund a qualified sports coach (Mr Andrews) to run our after-school Sports Club on a Friday evening and a session during University. We feel it is important our children are provided with these sporting activities to improve their fitness and wellbeing plus inspire them to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

2. Professional development of staff

One of the key strands of the sports funding is to develop the skills of our school staff so that the quality of PE and sport that is delivered will be enhanced. Qualified sports coaches will work alongside staff to deliver lessons and support planning and delivery of PE. Not only will the children benefit from being taught by a qualified sports teacher, but our own staff will be developed through sharing good practice and assisting in the PE lessons. Working in this way, teacher confidence and expertise will develop, and the school will benefit from high quality planning resource materials. Mr Andrews will work alongside our newly qualified teachers to develop their confidence in sport fundamentals and the curriculum.

3.   Providing opportunities for children to compete

The school already takes part in a number of local cluster competitions and tournaments.  We feel it is important that all children have the chance to represent their school and take part in competitive sport against other schools.  We will continue our existing competitions (such as the Bolsover cluster football, cross country and basketball) and also North-East Derbyshire partnership competitions (such as rounders and girls football). We will also arrange further tournaments and fixtures between other primary schools within our cluster and Local Authority.  Several sporting events take place within the school day and previously we have not been in a position to attend all of these sporting events. The funding will help provide cover for staff to be able to take teams to these events. At Bolsover C of E Junior School we feel it is important that children who are more able in sport are given the chance to participate against others of a similar ability and potential.


4.   Maintaining our membership to the Bolsover District Partnership

At Bolsover C of E Junior School we are investing part of our funding in affiliating to the Bolsover District School Sport Partnership (BDSSP). BDSSP is passionate about improving the lives of young people, by providing opportunities through Physical Education and Sport. BDSSP will provide a core package to support our school in;


Physical Education

  • Continuous professional development signposting and support
  • Inclusion training and support
  • Curriculum support
  • PE and School Sport Audit 


  • Level 1 School Games (intra-school) support

  • Provides a pathway for 12 sports at KS2 to link to Level 3 School Games event

  • Membership of the Derbyshire School Sports Association

  • Entry to the Champion School programme


Leadership & Volunteering

  • Mini Leader programme - training/mentoring


Club & Community Links

  • Signposting to local clubs through competition programme
  • Sport specific support


Talent Identification & Development

  • Rising Stars talent programme
  • Pupil and Parent workshops


Physical Activity

  • A coordinated approach to developing our playground to enable as many pupils as possible to be as active as possible

  • Change 4 Life / Physical Activity Hub programme

  • Golden Mile Physical Activity training and support


Other features

  • Support for schools to achieve School Games Kitemark for PE and Sport

  • Sharing of good practice through regular PLT/Headteacher meetings at cluster and SSP level (with a minimum of three per year)

  • Youth Sport Trust Introductory membership

  • Governor Briefings


We will evaluate the impact of the Sports Premium funding as part of our normal self-evaluation and provision mapping arrangements. We will look at how well we use our Sport Premium to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sporting provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of. 


Measuring the impact of the activities provided with sports premium funding can be achieved in different ways. We will look at progress in PE as well as other areas of development such as self-esteem, confidence and the numbers of pupils involved in sporting activities in and out of school. Assessments are made both formally and informally using our school assessment systems as well as feedback from staff and visitors to the school. We will also evaluate the impact of professional development opportunities in improving teaching and learning in PE. It is anticipated that at the end of the academic year we will have some hard data to show the impact of this sports premium funding on pupil progress and involvement in sport.


Leadership and Governance:

Our Sport Premium Leader is Mrs Katy Allen and our nominated governor is Mrs Pamela Halll. These can be contacted, via the school office, by emailing or calling 01246 822324.



Please find our Sport Premium Funding Plan for 2023-2024 that contains: 


  • how much funding our school receives
  • a full breakdown of how our school has spent the funding or will spend the funding moving forward
  • the impact of the premium on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment
  • how our school will make sure these improvements are sustainable
  • the percentage of pupils within the school’s Year 6 cohort from 2022-2023 who could do each of the following:
    • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
    • use a range of strokes effectively
    • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations


P.E & Sport Premium Funding Plan 2023-2024