Horsehead Lane, Derbyshire, S44 6XH.
01246 822324

Parent & Carer Survey Findings & Feedback


Your opinion does really count!


Findings from any pupils surveys can be found on our website here:

Pupil Voice



Parent and Carer Survey- November 2021

100% of parents would recommend this school to another parent.


Remote Education Survey - February 2021

Please find below findings from our Parent & Carer Remote Learning Survey from February.


Click here:

See the source image

Thank you to all of you who contributed your thoughts and feelings.

I'm sure you'll agree the findings are incredibly positive. We will use the comments and feedback provided to adapt our remote learning package (the VTP) as needed.


Check out our Parent/Carer Plan for the Spring Term to say what we are doing as a result of feedback from your comments.

Parents' Evening Survey - February 2020

  Thank you for taking the time at Parents' Evening to complete the survey in February 2020. Please find the results and our next actions here:

Parent/Carer Survey 2020

Parent/Carer Survey - January 2019



Thank you for taking the time at Parents' Evening to complete the survey. We believe it is really important to share the findings with you. Simply click above to view them.

Give your views about our school here.

Horsehead Lane, Derbyshire, S44 6XH.
01246 822324

Parent & Carer Survey Findings & Feedback


Your opinion does really count!


Findings from any pupils surveys can be found on our website here:

Pupil Voice



Parent and Carer Survey- November 2021

100% of parents would recommend this school to another parent.


Remote Education Survey - February 2021

Please find below findings from our Parent & Carer Remote Learning Survey from February.


Click here:

See the source image

Thank you to all of you who contributed your thoughts and feelings.

I'm sure you'll agree the findings are incredibly positive. We will use the comments and feedback provided to adapt our remote learning package (the VTP) as needed.


Check out our Parent/Carer Plan for the Spring Term to say what we are doing as a result of feedback from your comments.

Parents' Evening Survey - February 2020

  Thank you for taking the time at Parents' Evening to complete the survey in February 2020. Please find the results and our next actions here:

Parent/Carer Survey 2020

Parent/Carer Survey - January 2019



Thank you for taking the time at Parents' Evening to complete the survey. We believe it is really important to share the findings with you. Simply click above to view them.

Give your views about our school here.

Horsehead Lane, Derbyshire, S44 6XH.
01246 822324

Parent & Carer Survey Findings & Feedback


Your opinion does really count!


Findings from any pupils surveys can be found on our website here:

Pupil Voice



Parent and Carer Survey- November 2021

100% of parents would recommend this school to another parent.


Remote Education Survey - February 2021

Please find below findings from our Parent & Carer Remote Learning Survey from February.


Click here:

See the source image

Thank you to all of you who contributed your thoughts and feelings.

I'm sure you'll agree the findings are incredibly positive. We will use the comments and feedback provided to adapt our remote learning package (the VTP) as needed.


Check out our Parent/Carer Plan for the Spring Term to say what we are doing as a result of feedback from your comments.

Parents' Evening Survey - February 2020

  Thank you for taking the time at Parents' Evening to complete the survey in February 2020. Please find the results and our next actions here:

Parent/Carer Survey 2020

Parent/Carer Survey - January 2019



Thank you for taking the time at Parents' Evening to complete the survey. We believe it is really important to share the findings with you. Simply click above to view them.

Give your views about our school here.